Study Trip Singapore
Academic program @ Singapore Management University
One week full of lectures, Networking, company insights and Cultural program in Singapore.
For 6 days, we immersed ourselves in the topic of „Doing Business in Asia“.
Our highly experienced lecturers Zheng HAN, Mandy Tham and Stefan Morkoetter tought us about Asian Economy, Culture and History, strategies of MNCs in South East Asia, Innovation and Startups in Asia and gave us an Introduction to Singaporean Real Estate and Wealth Management.
Networking & Company Visits
In addition to the academic program, we visited different companies in different industries (from early-stage start-up to multinational corporations) and gained firsthand insights on how these Singaporean or multinational players develop and successfully grow their businesses in Asia. We had very exciting and enlightening discussions with experts on site. Many thanks for the warm welcome and the impressive insights ASSAB Asia, Röchling Industrial Asia, BASF, Siemens, WhatIF Foods, Wefaa Robotics and German Entrepreneurship Asia.
Culture & Society
One of our highlights was the networking event at the historic Singapore Cricket Club, where we got the chance to meet representatives from the Austrian Business Community in Singapore to exchange on living and working in Asia vs. Austria/Europe. Many thanks to Commercial Counsellor David Bachmann and Austrian Ambassador Peter Guschelbauer for sharing insights on recent economic and government developments and the great organization Julia Thallinger.
The closing of the study trip featured a wrap up oft he week’s learnings and the presentation of the week’s group projects. Our group of International & Global Executive MBA Students left Singapore full of impression.
Academic Supervisor
Professor Dr. Zheng HAN is Chair Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Tongji University in Shanghai and at the Sino-German School for Postgraduate Studies (CDHK), and visiting professor for University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. He is also founder of HAN Executive Advisory and Development, a boutique advisory and executive development company specialized in Asian economy, strategy, marketing and innovation management.
Professor Han studied in Germany and holds an Industrial Engineering Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering of TU Braunschweig. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and was scholar of the Swiss National Science Foundation, visiting Scholar of the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in China and the Wharton-SMU Research Centre in Singapore. His articles appear in renowned international journals such as International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, R&D Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management and International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Professor Han teaches Executive MBA and top executive programs for leading international business schools and universities such as ESMT, ESSEC Business School, ETH Zürich, Mannheim Business School, Tongji University and University of St. Gallen.
Before his academic career, Professor Han served as Chief Representative and Chief Investment Advisor of the Haniel Group in China for 7 years. Professor Han works on China’s economic development, strategy, innovation and B2B marketing advisory projects and design and deliver frequently executive development programs, workshops and keynote speeches for both MNCs and „Hidden Champions“.